Public Records Guidelines
Barnstable County Does Not Generate or Possess Vital Records
(e.g. marriage licenses, birth certificates, death certificates).
You may be able to obtain these records by contacting the relevant municipality where the event occurred. As a courtesy, links to town websites can be found at the bottom of this page.
Barnstable County Does Not Possess Any Documents Regarding Arrest Records, Criminal Histories, Divorce Records, Adoption Records, Or Other Court Matters
(e.g. Civil, Criminal, Family, or Probate)
The Courts are operated by the Commonwealth rather than by Barnstable County.
The website for the Massachusetts Court System, including an alphabetical list of courts that serve each city and town in Massachusetts can be found here:
You may be able to find additional information by contacting local town police departments, or the County Sherriff’s Office. The Sherriff’s Office also operates the Barnstable County Correctional Facility. You can find its website here:
The Barnstable County Registry of Deeds Possesses Documents Related to the Real Property Ownership History for Cape Cod
However, in Massachusetts, Registries of Deeds deal only with title to real property. Other aspects of property ownership, such as building type/size, property taxes, zoning, etc. fall under the jurisdiction of the municipality where the property is located. The Registry’s website can be found here.
Request Records
Before making a public records request, please read the important information above to ensure you are requesting records that are held by Barnstable County Government and County Services. To make a request, please complete the form at the following link:
Barnstable County Records Request Submissions
We strongly suggest using the automated system at the link above to receive the quickest response. Alternatively, you may: 1) contact the Public Records Access Officer to set up a meeting for an in-person request; 2) submit your request in writing, by hand delivery; 3) by email to publicrecords@capecod.gov, or; 4) by first class mail to the following address:
Robin Young
Public Records Access Officer
Barnstable County
3195 Main Street
Barnstable, MA 02630
In your request, please provide your email address, mailing address and telephone number. Also, please specify the type of record you are looking for and the time period (year or date) of the record you would like.
If you would like assistance in identifying records and/or forming your request, please call Robin Young, Records Officer, at (508) 375-6648 or contact her by email at publicrecords@capecod.gov,
Records will be provided electronically if available unless you specify that you are unable to receive documents in this format, specify your preferred format, and provide a mailing address for your request.
Within ten business days following the receipt of your request (as defined by 950 CMR 32.06)(2)(e), we will respond to you in writing and confirm receipt of your request. We also will advise you of the status of your request by either providing the records or identifying:
- the records that are not in our custody, possession or control (with guidance if we know where these records may be sought);
- the records that we are withholding in accordance with the public records law;
- the time-frame within which we will be producing the records; and/or
- a request to you for additional time or a modification of the scope of the request (in the interest of getting the records to you as soon as we can at the lowest cost);
- if applicable by law, a good faith estimate of the fee to produce the requested records, and
- your appeal rights.
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